Saturday, December 16, 2006

Hangin' On...A Long, Wordy Post....

Well, it's been quite the week. The Christmas deadline is looming close, and I think I will fail in regards to my knitting projects. I'm thinking about taking a pic of the project in process, adding a little "sorry it's not done, but it's coming poem" and leave it at that. With the boys soon to be home for Christmas break, perhaps I can hide out with my unfinished projects in hand, and relax. YEA RIGHT!!

Just a bit more decorating here to do at the house. I had to go ALL out this year, because last Dec 25th, hubby was in Iraq, and we surely were missing him. So....trying to make it extra special this year, and "Bubba" is right in the midst. Lordy! If he had his way, we'd have ALL the Christmas stuff out I've collected over the past 20 years. Man....he wears me out, but he is 5, and this is soooo exciting to him. Sometimes I'll catch him sitting by the tree staring, and I ask what he's up to. He just says, "I'm just looking." Awww The cat (GI Joe aka Joey) on the other hand has decided that he would rather climb up INTO the tree, rip the branches out (artificial) and knock the ornaments on the floor. I have several trees up, and he's already broken a few of the ornaments by his "looking." Am trying to fend him off with the water spray to the face trick, but unfortunately, Joe LOVES to play in the water. Any suggestions?? He's gonna lose a few of his nine lives if he keeps it up...

An fyi to all my readers... If you haven't figured out yet, I am a sarcastic sort, and I'm gonna assume that if you're here reading, that we are on the same page. If not...please take your eyes elsewhere, 'cause I'd hate to make enemies on my OWN blog. Man, did I ever get a butt-chewing in a group I'm in with one of my posts. It was done in my ever sarcastic tone, with visuals (described), venting a general frustration (no fingers pointed!) and whammo!
Did I ever get the WWF Smackdown. Yowsa! My butt's still stinging, but luckily I've got enough padding on the backside to ease the pain to some extent.

With that said, I'm off to work on one of my gifts that has to be shipped out on Monday. I sense the "I'm sorry it's not done" pic/poem combo may have to suffice, but I'm gonna try my best. Will take pics and post after Christmas. Can't do it yet....that would ruin someone's surprise!!

P.S. My oldest just asked if I was going to write about him on here. I think he's feeling left out since Bubba's been mentioned twice...but I do have a funny story to share. Last Saturday "J-Rod" had the opportunity to take the college ACT exam. Mind you, he's 12 and in the 7th grade. (Proud momma moment kiddos are such smarties, unfortunately in more ways than one..!) Anyhow, he qualified to take the test based on prior test scores. I didn't make a big deal about it, just wanted him to have the opportunity to give it a shot and see how he did. No studying involved, and he took the test along high-schoolers. If you know J-Rod, he's just a wealth of information. He can spit out facts like a textbook and some of it is that "senseless trivia info" that makes us all go Huh?? hee So, I pick him up after testing and ask what he thought. Said he didn't think he did well, but I assured him it was just a good opportunity for him. I said, with it being multiple choice, you know to pick "B" if you don't know the answer. (At least that's what they used to always tell us.) J-Rod says, "No, the teacher told us to pick c or d." Okay. Then, he says that on several of the questions he kept seeing the word OMIT as one of the choices, and he had no clue what the letters stood for, but would pick it anyway, because he thought of all the choices, that was the one he needed. "O-M-I-T?" I spelled back. "Yes," he replied. Needless to say, I had to laugh when I told my brain-for-a-son that the word was leave out. "Oh, " was all he said.....
Kids. You gotta love them.

Monday, December 11, 2006

What? Knitting, You Say??

Ladies & Gents....I do IN FACT have some knitting to share. I participated in the December exchange for one of my many dishcloth groups. This is the first since discovering the groups on Yahoo, and my going hog-wild and trying to join them all. (Except for Nina Hartley's Dishcloth...I shudder to think....LOL!) In true fashion...I'm late. Deadline was last Friday, but it went out priority mail TODAY. (It's ok, though, 'cause the Room Mom said it was....)'s a look at the cloth I mailed to my exchange partner. (Don't tell her; she hasn't seen it yet, obviously!)

It's the well-talked about "Dancing Canes" pattern from Harvest Moon Designs. I used Peaches & Cream in Peppermint. Seemed appropriate. I thought it turned out rather cute. Hope my exchange partner agrees!

Want to end this by thanking everyone for being so supportive/funny(ALLI!!!) as I give the blog-world a try. Anyone remember the Academy Awards the year Sally Field won for "Norma Rae?" She said, and I quote, "You like me. You really, really like me." (Now, please don't do a web-search to make for certain she said that verbatim....but I'm pretty sure she did...or something along those lines....!) So, at the present time, I'm feeling all Flying Nun-ish and truly appreciate your kind words, as I enter into this vast space of blogdom.

Now, if you'll excuse off to try and figure out why the HECK I couldn't put the pic where I wanted, and why I couldn't move my text around. I know, I know. I'm learning. :)

Sunday, December 10, 2006

I Wish Everything Was So Clear...

Just a quick post before I am off to finish setting up the Christmas tree, and then HOPEFULLY get to work on more of my overdue Christmas knitting....

The last few days, my youngest, aka Bubba, has been getting up in the night and wanting me to sleep with him in his bed. Mind you, he has a twin, and while I am all for snuggling, there's nothing like waking up to a 5 year old's feet in your back, his stuffed monkey-friend, "Monkey" at your neck, as you lay dangerously teetering on edge of the bed hoping not to fall off. So anyhow...when I have gone back to bed with him, he always has me turn his nightlight off. (Guess he figures he's safe from all monsters with me around, especially since I'll be the first they get, as I lay dangling.) IF he wakes before me, he tell me to get up, 'cause the sun's up. Then he may tell me a time.'s 6:18. Not that there is a clock around, or that he can tell, I asked him how he knows it's time to get up. He said that if he opens his eyes and can see, then it's time to get up, but if he opens them and it's dark....time to go back to sleep.

Why can't everything be this simple?? Have a great day!

Saturday, December 9, 2006


After months of lurking about other people's blogs, I felt compelled to begin my own. God only knows within the crazy household that I call my life, I need an escape and those who dare read this diary of sorts will begin to see what I mean... I would never trade my family for anything in this world. God has graced me with two extremely loving, ACTIVE, intelligent, and adorably cute sons, as well as their can't sit-still father. Do I feel lucky? Yes. Do they make me crazy? Yes. As I sit here typing my initial post, in comes hubby(who I think believes I will write something bad about him), all sweaty from running, wondering why I am still sitting here. I motion for him to leave, saying he can read it when I am done, and what do I get? A lifted buttcheek distributing some well-practiced sounds and odors as he heads back out the door. My littlest is screaming at the top of his lungs because his big bro is being MEAN...he won't let him put the remote-controlled Humvee in the bathtub for a swim. Hmmmm. The puppy, who for months was under the impression that we squat INDOORS, has now discovered that the catbox is full of chocolate yummies. It's early on Saturday am. I sit here in my pj's, hair standing on end, typing, with no knitting in sight. Welcome to my world.